5 Tips for Choosing a Documentation Platform in 2024

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5 Tips for Choosing a Documentation Platform

As a managed service provider, having a reliable and efficient documentation platform is crucial to ensuring the success of your business. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we will provide you with 5 tips to help you select the best documentation platform for your business needs, with a focus on two popular managed service provider vendors: IT Glue and Hudu.

Tip 1: Determine Your Business Needs

The first step in selecting a documentation platform is to determine your business needs. Ask yourself questions such as: what types of documentation do you need to store and manage? How many users will be accessing the platform? Do you need a cloud-based solution or an on-premises option? Understanding your business needs will help you narrow down your choices and select a platform that meets your specific requirements.

Tip 2: Research Managed Service Provider Vendors

Researching managed service provider vendors is the next step in choosing the right documentation platform. IT Glue is a class-leading documentation platform that is widely used by most managed service providers. It offers a comprehensive range of features, including password management, network documentation, and automation. On the other hand, Hudu is a new documentation platform that is gaining popularity among some managed service providers. It is a modern platform that offers features such as customizable workflows, integrations, and version control.

Tip 3: Consider Ease of Use

The documentation platform you choose should be easy to use and navigate. Consider factors such as the user interface, ease of implementation, and accessibility. IT Glue is known for its intuitive interface and straightforward implementation process. Hudu, on the other hand, has a clean and modern user interface that is easy to navigate.

Tip 4: Look for Integration Capabilities

Integration capabilities are essential when choosing a documentation platform. Look for a platform that integrates with other tools and software that your business uses. IT Glue offers a wide range of integrations, including PSA, RMM, and BDR tools. Hudu also offers integration capabilities, including integration with Zapier, which enables you to connect Hudu with over 3,000 apps.

Tip 5: Consider Cost

Cost is always a consideration when selecting a documentation platform. IT Glue offers a range of pricing options, including per user per month, per client per month, and enterprise pricing. Hudu also offers various pricing options, including a free trial and a pay-as-you-go plan. When considering cost, be sure to evaluate the features included in each plan to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.

IT Glue vs Hudu: A Comparison

Now, let's take a closer look at how IT Glue and Hudu compare in terms of their features and benefits.

IT Glue

IT Glue is a comprehensive documentation platform that offers a range of features designed to streamline your documentation processes. Some of its key benefits include:

  • Secure password management
  • Network documentation
  • Automation features
  • Integration capabilities with PSA, RMM, and BDR tools
  • Mobile app for remote access
  • Customizable templates
  • User-friendly interface

However, IT Glue does have some potential drawbacks, including:

  • High price point for some plans
  • Limited customization options
  • Steep learning curve for some users
  • Limited collaboration capabilities


While Hudu has its strengths, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider when compared to IT Glue.

First, Hudu is a newer platform, which means it may not have the same level of features and functionality as IT Glue. While it is constantly improving and expanding its capabilities, there may be limitations in terms of what it can do.

Second, Hudu's user interface may not be as intuitive as IT Glue's, especially for those who are used to more traditional documentation platforms. It may take some time for users to get used to the interface and learn how to navigate it effectively.

Third, Hudu's pricing structure may not be as flexible as IT Glue's. While IT Glue offers a variety of pricing options based on the number of users and features needed, Hudu has a set price per user, which may not work for all MSPs.

Lastly, Hudu's integrations with other tools may not be as robust as IT Glue's. IT Glue has a wide range of integrations with other MSP tools and platforms, which can help streamline workflows and improve efficiency. While Hudu does have some integrations, they may not be as extensive as IT Glue's.

Overall, while Hudu has some notable advantages, it may not be the best fit for every MSP. It's important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each platform before making a decision.


In conclusion, choosing the right documentation platform is crucial for Managed Service Providers. IT Glue and Hudu are both solid options to consider, with each platform having its own strengths and drawbacks. IT Glue is the most popular documentation platform among MSPs due to its comprehensive feature set, reliable performance, and integrations with other software tools. On the other hand, Hudu is a newer platform that offers a sleek user interface and a simpler pricing structure. However, it is still in the early stages of development and lacks some of the features and integrations that IT Glue offers.

At Optimized Documentation, we understand the importance of having a well-organized and efficient documentation strategy for MSPs. We have the expertise and experience to help MSPs choose and implement the right documentation platform for their specific needs. Whether you choose IT Glue, Hudu, or any other platform, we can help you optimize your documentation strategy to save time and improve your overall service delivery. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your MSP succeed.

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